
the Dandelion – it just blooms


Perimenopause and menopause often changes our skin. I’ve tended to veer on the oily side in my younger days, now my skin craves moisture. I use serums rich in plant oils, and to this day moisturisers containing shea butter and coconut oil.

My mum used olive oil on our skin the first few years of our lives and Vaseline as a barrier cream. I can’t remember not moisturising! After swimming lessons at primary school I’d be busy moisturising, of course the last to be ready. Friends can vouch for this! Dark skin if not moisturised appears dull and ashy. Coconut oil, and shea butter moisturisers were a staple in our house, least I forget Vaseline.

Moisturisers continue to be a must, protecting the upper layers of my skin, helping to slow down the ageing process. Moisturisers form a barrier that traps water within the epidermis to help reduce moisture loss. The skin’s ability to retain moisture reduces with age.

Itchy skin

Itchy skin may also effect some ladies during menopause due to the falling of estrogen. I know ladies who have experienced tingling, and a crawling sensation. In these situations as difficult as it may be, refrain from scratching, try to keep your body cool, stay hydrated and moisturised.

Dull or wrinkled skin

Heading towards our fifties and beyond wrinkles usually appear whether we’ve done all the things including eating nutritionally well or not. Estrogen is needed to build collagen, this is the protein that supports the skin’s structure. Also it’s key to maintaining blood to the upper layer of the skin helping to keep it hydrated. The decline in estrogen results in less elasticity, dullness, fine lines, less plump and glow. Thankfully our skin continues to renew from the base layer so we can concentrate on encouraging strong healthy cells through what we drink and eat.


Acne is not only annoying during teenage years but ladies experience it during menopause, sometimes for the first time. Changes in testosterone can trigger increased amounts of sebum. Sebum causes greasy skin, along with dead skin blocks your hair follicles giving us breakouts.


Tanning and sunbathing has never been a priority for me. Those who know me or have scanned these pages know I’m dark skinned and of Bajan parentage. I was told by my mum from the get go we didn’t need a tan and to always sit in the shade or go indoors at the hottest times of the day. I even have a photo of my mum walking along a beach in Barbados, umbrella in hand!

I’ve been fortunate from the start to always protect my skin plus I have the equivalent of factor 15 built in! I wear sunscreen daily on my face and neck. And ladies yes, yes I’ve experienced being burnt. On my first skiing trip to Austria, I underestimated the power and strength of the rays. I’ve upped the ante of my SPF.

The least sun damage to our skin the better, it’s also less ageing. Wearing sunscreen for me is non negotiable. I feel the better condition my skin the better results I gain from treatments and products. I always use a sunscreen with UVA and UVB. UVA can cause premature ageing, wrinkles and age spots. UVB rays are responsible for burning and tanning.

Are you moisturising? Using a sunscreen?

9 responses to “Skin”

  1. Michaela avatar

    Zum Glück hatte ich nie mit unreiner , fettiger Haut zu kämpfen. Was ich merke ist, dass sie trockener wird und mehr Pigment Flecken entstehen Deswegen führe ich viel Feuchtigkeit zu Anti-Wrinkle oder Hydro Serum und adds glow.(Vitaminbooster) z.B. damit die Haut nicht fahl wirkt sondern strahlend schön! Augencreme auch unbedingt zu empfehlen und wie Sandra sagt: Sonnenpflege! Verwende ich ebenfalls immer, seit ich in den 90iger in Australien war wo das Ozonloch grade richtig zu spüren war. Was sich geändert hat, bin von chemischen Filtern mit SPF 50 auf Sonnencreme mit SPF 20 und rein natürlichem UVA und UVB Schutz gewechselt. Habe nur 3% weniger Schutz, bin aber sehr happy! Denn dafür keinen Sonnenbrand mehr, keine schädliche Chemikalien weder auf meiner Haut noch in der Umwelt. Hawaii verbietet herkömmlichen Sonnenschutz da er Korallenriffe und Fische schädigt, bzw.tötet . Michaela

    Vielleicht bist du auch auf der Suche nach natürlichen Produkten?↙️

    1. Nicole avatar

      Interessant. Ich achte schon immer auf hohe Qualität beim Sonnenschutz, aber mir war bisher gar nicht bewußt, dass es chemische und natürliche Sonnencreme gibt. Werde ich auf jeden Fall recherchieren!
      Auch, ob es dass von dir empfohlene Produkt auch in Deutschland zu kaufen gibt.

      1. Michaela avatar

        Liebe Nicole,

        du kannst mich sehr gerne kontaktieren freue mich über Austausch bzw. dir Auskunft darüber geben zu können. Es ist so spannend! 🌱🌿💚 Beschäftige mich nun schon 4 Jahre mit diesen Themen.

        Du kannst den Link nutzen um in Kontakt zu kommen, dich zu informieren und auch um das Produkt zu kaufen. GLG Michaela

      2. Michaela avatar

        Übrigens für Erstbesteller gibt’s ein goody in Form von Voucher Code bei mir persönlich melden dafür! 🥰

  2. Joolz avatar

    My skin has become really dry since menopause face & body. I sometimes use almond oil on both add little to bath it helps.

    1. Sandra Scherfler avatar

      Thanks for sharing Joolz I’ll be doing the same.

  3. Anita avatar

    What is more important to keep the skin (our biggest organ!) fit and fresh? Anything that works from the outside-in or inside-out? E.g. creams or food?

    1. Michaela avatar

      Absolut beides ist gleichermaßen wichtig ist meine Meinung. Und der seelische, geistige Aspekt. Also ein Packet aus allem, ist meine Meinung. Deswegen auch vielen Dank für den Blog Sandra, sehr wertvolle Impulse! 🤗

  4. Melissa avatar

    I have always invested in my skin care routine especially being a redhead with fair skin and burn very easily so keeping out of the sun and wearing SPF has helped.
    Im postmenopausal and noticed a big difference in the decline of my skin, it’s very touch sensitive and if I use various eye makeup removers it can irritate my skin, therefore I did some research and found a dermatologist and skin care enthusiast called Dr Dray on YouTube I was pleasantly surprised on what she recommended for eye makeup removers and cleansers, can you imagine using baby shampoo for removing eye makeup I was pleasantly surprised it worked!!!

    I use Ultrasun Glimmer SPF 30 it gives a lovely natural shimmer and now using Angela Langford repair & renew nourishing face oil my skin feels so hydrated and plump in a morning she does a fantastic eye makeup remover called ‘ I can see clearly now’

    Getting a life work balance, listening to your body, a healthy diet and plenty of sleep helps me and of course the occasional glass of champagne

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