I’m back…..

I’m back with a bigger butt and thunder thighs. I know it’s not all muscle and that’s fine with me, the extra insulation kept me warm. All worth it after another wonderful ski season. I’m proud to be stronger and fitter. I hope you’re proud of what your body can do too.

It takes a while to regain my running legs. Heavy winter thighs are not ideal, I have to be patient, take my time and build slowly to my longer summer runs. I find long summer runs therapeutic, I think it’s the rhythm and my pace. I can assure you I’m not fast. Talking of pace I have to remember not to over pace I’m little overzealous and calling a taxi isn’t an option!

In addition to all things menopause, I’ll be posting on topics close to my heart including loss of loved ones, which becomes more prevalent as we age. Taking care of our bodies, the positive impact of well-being. Goals, aspirations, what I’ve learned and continue to learn….

Leaving the ski season and heading into the next, our bodies are forever changing similar to the seasons. I’m embracing my menopause season and feeling pretty good. I hope you are as well. If not, why not?

I’m looking forward to reading your comments, thoughts and ideas. Sharing is caring.

Posts will be bi-weekly, on Thursdays.

“When a woman finally learns that pleasing the world is impossible, she becomes free to learn how to please herself” Glennon Doyle.

10 responses to “I’m back…..”

  1. Jacqui DC avatar
    Jacqui DC

    Looking ‘hot to trot’, look forward to wise words, lessons learned and great quotes x

    1. Sandra Scherfler avatar
      Sandra Scherfler

      Head scarf and sunglasses every-time

  2. Joolz avatar

    Gets harder as you got older, or am I in fact getting bit lazier in my old age. Still exercising every morning, walking the dog, swimming. Have big party in June absolutely don’t want any lumps bumps or anything sticking out that’s not meant to be. By the way Sandra can I borrow your lovely arms 😆

    1. Sandra Scherfler avatar
      Sandra Scherfler

      No chance of any lumps n bumps with all the sport you’re doing. Yes you can borrow my arms anytime!

  3. Vicki avatar

    I love your quote by Glennon Doyle. After a week together in Portugal, our first on our own without family in 27 years, we had a wonderful time doing exactly what we pleased, it was so restorative !

  4. Michelle avatar

    So happy that you’re back Sandra. You have motivated and encouraged me throughout my journey. Since my diagnosis exercise has helped both my mental and physical well being. I am grateful for my body and I believe that I am in the process of healing,

  5. Anne-Louise avatar

    I think this is something to talk about next time we met: Also with no menopause 🙂 :

    „In addition to all things menopause, I’ll be posting on topics close to my heart including loss of loved ones, which becomes more prevalent as we age. Taking care of our bodies, the positive impact of well-being. Goals, aspirations, what I’ve learned and continue to learn….“

    See you soon .

    1. Sandra Scherfler avatar
      Sandra Scherfler

      For sure

  6. Carolyn avatar

    Since being on the receiving end of a definitive diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis some two years ago, it’s been such an uphill battle to find a workable combination of meds. Last year, thanks in large part to hydroxychloroquine, my joints were finally free of inflammation and I had started happily exercising again… when my world suddenly went dark! Literally. I found myself in the small percentage of patients who suffered rapid and significant vision loss as a side effect of the drug. Now as spring rolls around and I’m still working on adjusting to new meds, I’ve committed to improving my core strength and blood circulation. Both took heavy damage in my constant fights with RA. I’ve become a recent convert to reformer and tower pilates… and I love-love-love it! Feeling and seeing my body regain power is so very uplifting. It’s wonderful and inspirational to read about your own journey. And you look sensational 😘

    1. Sandra Scherfler avatar
      Sandra Scherfler

      Great to hear you’re gaining strength again xx

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