Menopausal skin – the face

Sandra and Gudrun
thankful for another year around the moon (excuse the under-eye glow!!!)

Menopausal skin can look dull, dry and no longer glowy. Don’t get me wrong I’m not knocking ageing, it’s a fantastic. Yes ageing is a privilege plus I’m not ready for the alternative.
Depending on our skin type and genes the skins ability to regenerate and repair slows down with gusto. Oestrogen in part is responsible for producing ceramide, collagen and hyaluronic acid. As oestrogen declines so does ceramide, collagen and hyaluronic acid, no surprise. The reason for our laughter lines! Also our skin is slower to heal.

A few things happen
  • Collagen decreases causing laughter lines as mentioned!
  • Our skin isn’t as toned, and struggles to retain moisture
  • Importantly losing moisture means your skin can’t exfoliate well or quickly. Dry skin causes a build up of skin cells.
  • Oestrogen looks after sebum and hyaluronic acid production. When this drops your skin has an even harder job to retain moisture and suppleness
What can we do


I’ve switched to a milk cleanser. Tried many products, unfortunately some cleansers sting my eyes. I like products to be quick and easy. I now use Rudolph Care Hydrating Cleansing Milk, which also removes make-up. Prior to this I used Sarah Chapman Ultimate Cleanse and sometimes Rapid Radiance Cleanse if I have break outs. I like products to be fragrance free. Each to their own.

Menopausal skin can be sensitive, you don’t want to aggravate the skins barrier. Milks and balms usually work well on older skins. Maybe I should say mature.


Using serums depends on what your skin can handle. They deliver active ingredients depending what condition you want to treat.

I have tough, thick skin. A user of serums since my 30s, so I’m well accustomed. Serums are indeed my guilty pleasure. Never without my Obagi Medical Professional-C. I like high potency! Sometimes I use a vitamin E combination. Both are great antioxidants. Vitamin E helps vitamin C work better.


Menopausal skin especially needs to be hydrated. Moisturising is the
penultimate step. I prefer to use moisturisers with plant based ingredients along with hyaluronic acid and a few trusted actives. A good product should sink in quickly never leaving your skin feeling sticky.


Yes, I wear sunscreen even though I have dark skin. I’ve never been one to sit in the midday sun (no tan required). I use active products so it’s a must for me. If you want to protect your skin apply after moisturising. Best to be safe than sorry.

(not sponsored by any companies)

“Remember, old is the goal” – Caroline Hirons

Are you looking after your skin?


2 responses to “Menopausal skin – the face”

  1. Jools avatar

    My skin feels dry as a walnut most of the time. I too use milk cleanser & wheelbarrow load of moisturiser. Loads of sleep no alcohol afraid i don’t sleep well, certainly have little to much vino at times.

    1. Sandra Scherfler avatar
      Sandra Scherfler

      Mine too! I’ve started using Biodance Organic Collagen Real Deep Mask, they really help me xx

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