International Women’s Day


I think it’s important to continue challenging ourselves. It’s never too late to learn if we’re passionate, keeping us fresh and interesting. Having hobbies and or a side hustle creates ideas, conversations with a different point of view, even new opportunities. Keep engaged. Being interested keeps us interesting.

Investing in ourselves any way we choose.

Let’s stand together, support each other and the decisions each of us make. None of us has walked in the other person’s shoes, this we know for sure.

Don’t lose your fire or desire.

Wishing you all a happy International Women’s Day!

What’s keeping you interested?

8 responses to “International Women’s Day”

  1. Annegrete Warrer avatar
    Annegrete Warrer

    How right you are dear Sandra – thank you for putting words on what is so important🙏

  2. Heidi Adair avatar
    Heidi Adair

    Happy International Women’s Day!

  3. El avatar

    Well said! Happy 8th March to you dear!

  4. Vicki avatar

    So true Sandra. It’s very easy to feel overwhelmed by changes in our lives. To focus on changes we choose as a new interest or hobby makes a refreshing change and gives a new drive which will enrich our lives.

  5. Karen avatar

    Wonderful words my lovely friend xx

  6. Regina avatar

    Liebe Sandra!
    Hatte einen sehr interessanten Weltfrauentag in Wien.
    Brust- und Unterleibskongress für betroffene Frauen, organisiert von der Krebshilfe.

    Wichtig für alle Frauen – die Vorsorge!!!

    1 x im Monat Brust abtasten um zu erkennen ob sich etwas verändert!🌸
    Kenne deine Familiengeschichte, hatte jemand Krebs in deiner Familie. Teilt das eurem Arzt mit.

    1. Sandra Scherfler avatar

      So wichtig. Ich habe bald meine Mannographie.

  7. Jools avatar

    A very happy belated women’s day to all x

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