Strongevity – part 1 by Annegrete Guest Post

Sandra asked me to do a contribution to her “menopause-and-more” blog from “ahead”. Far past the age of getting menopausal. Looking back I can only say that I am persuaded that my hormone therapy has helped me a lot. My doctor told me to start taking these when I was around 50 approx. 20 years ago. I severely suffered from heat flushes and was immediately helped by the supplements. Some 5 years ago, influenced by the ongoing discussion about the potential harmfulness of these, I tried to leave them out for a period of about 3 months. My mood was severely influenced and my closest family meant they hardly could recognize me. Well, being out of a family with no record of breast cancer or high blood pressure but some cases of osteoporosis I checked my situation with my gynaecologist once again and he recommended me to continue with Activelle which was the medicament I switched to in my mid fifties after not wanting bleeding any-more. Nowadays I take a tablet every second day. Another thing that helped me taking this decision was the fact that my mom had hormone therapy until she was 90 years old. She kept extraordinarily well all her life.
I am still having a very active life which my just finished May-June bicycle tour Athens-Munich, 3000 km with around verticals proofs. The below is an extract from one of my Instagram posts from the tour:

Annegretewarrer Another day at my beautiful and challenging office. Strongevity – a word composed by strong and longevity – is my mantra. Brixen to Innsbruck = 96km and 1550 vertical. As you maybe know I will be 70 later this year – but age does not keep me back. I am blessed with good health and just minor issues and thanks god for that. But I have my own interpretation of “the biological watch”,which means how long can I keep on doing sports at the level I do? Nobody knows except not getting any younger of course is an issue. My decision is to keep on going as much as possible as long as it is possible.”


6 responses to “Strongevity – part 1 by Annegrete Guest Post”

  1. Sandra Scherfler avatar

    I absolutely agree, keep going as much and long as possible. Fantastic work young lady, I’m inspired

  2. Clare Galbraith avatar
    Clare Galbraith

    ‘Strongevity’ – I love it!!

    I think I may have met Annegrete many years ago in an Austrian ski resort – she was pretty amazing then too, and I thought of her as a bit of a ski goddess!! Just because we age, doesn’t mean we have to stop challenging ourselves! Its those things that keep us thriving in both mind and body!!

  3. Anita avatar

    Feel yourself what is possible and right and that’s the best to do! Let’s go girls!

    Ideally, I’d go without any artificial stuff, but if it helps, it helps. Go for it as well. The only challenge I see is, when you’re not a medical expert yourself, how to find the right therapy?

    1. Sandra Scherfler avatar

      Thanks so much for your comment. Take a read of my ‘Your Body Your Choice’ post xxx

  4. Jools avatar

    Well Annegrete having never met you and seeing the photo. You are truly an inspiration. X

  5. Michaela avatar

    Liebe Annegrete, wir kennen uns inzwischen seit mehr als 35 Jahren und ich kann nur sagen, du scheinst wie guter Wein mit dem Alter besser zu werden. Hut ab vor so viel Power! Du warst und bist eine Inspiration.🥰

    Wahrscheinlich stecke ich Grad mitten in den Wechseljahren, werde 1 Tag vor dir 55 , kann aber von Glück reden dass ich soweit keine Beschwerden habe Vor ca.5 Jahren hatte ich x starke Stimmungsschwankungen, auch stärkere Regelbeschwerden usw. Damals habe ich für mich ganz wundervolle frische, natürliche Nahrungsergänzungsmitte entdeckt, seitdem ich sie nehme geht’s mir super!

    Mach weiter so ! 🍀

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