I’ve grown to love skiing, the better I get the more I enjoy. I’ve found there’s always room for improvement.
My love affair with skiing at the beginning was a bumpy road, much hard work, commitment and investment. I’ve skied in both Italy and France. My Italian experience was okay however I can’t say the same about France. I had a couple of Brigitte Jones type moments which almost put me off. However my thinking was, so many enjoy, why can’t I. Then came the opportunity for a trip to St Anton. I was the ‘spare friend’ and tagged along happily.
I fell instantly in love (with St Anton) lock, stock and barrel.
I was indeed a late comer to this wonderful sport. Everyone around me had been at it for years. I was even told I was too old to learn, but if you’re willing eventually you’ll make progress. Thankfully my fitness level helped and I was willing.
I’ve mentioned numerous times exercise has to be an activity you like, and maybe in time grow to love. If not the struggle is real, you never continue or reap the benefits. Reaping the benefits are our goal, becoming healthier and stronger, plus there has to be fun. My goodness fun it was and still is. Meeting so many wonderful and special people who’ve become fabulous friends.
Skiing remains challenging for me and that’s part of it. I have good days and not so good days. The conditions ever changing. I’m hooked!
When the sun’s shinning what could be better and more exhilarating.
What challenges have you met starting a new sport/activity?
What keeps you motivated?
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