Sport has always been an important part of my life. I was a sickly child, spending spates of time in hospital. Sport, namely swimming not only built my strength but my confidence too. Whatever age, whatever stage we can become stronger.
Muscles matter enormously especially as we age. There are different kinds of muscle. The muscle I’m referring to is skeletal muscle, this we have control of. We’re able to build and retain with resistance exercise using our body weight, free or fixed weights.
Personal preference, go with what suits. I’ve done both. Free and fixed weights when I was a gym member, now my body-weight including yoga. Either way you’ll build muscle and increase strength.
Body weight
- workout when you like whenever you like
- improves flexibility and mobility
- improves balance – many exercises need balance so your core muscles are automatically switched on
- no equipment required
- You can increase intensity in turn building strength
Body Weight Exercises That work for me
- planks and squats
- push-ups (I still do the modified version on my knees)
- hand to to taps
- mountain climbers
- burpees
Tabata workouts are my go to. Twenty seconds exercise, ten seconds rest is the norm. The whole session is twenty four minutes. I started slow, ten seconds on, ten seconds rest total session fifteen minutes. Slow and steady works best for me. Two push ups with form and power are better than five wishy-washy.
Yoga and Pilates
I know many of you ladies like yoga and Pilates, both are great. I opt for a yoga flow sometimes. Slowly I’m improving.
Free Weights
Dumbbells, barbells or kettlebells. Many of us have gyms at home or invest in free wights. I have neither.
A few free weights exercises
- Using any weights technique is important to prevent injury
- If you’re a newbie go to a gym for professional guidance
- Weights can be easily increased or decreased depending
- Dumbbell swings
- Squats (always in the mix)
- Bicep curls
- Bent over rows
Everything takes time.
Be consistent, patient and kind to yourself.
Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t workout for a few days.
It’s what you do most of the time that counts.
Rest days are important trust me I’ve learned the hard way.
Lastly I dropped a dress size, however this was never my goal. By the way, I’m heavier, we know muscles weigh more than fat. No jumping on and off the scales ladies!
Strong bones, strong body, strong mind. Doesn’t matter where we start, just start!
What’s your preference? Body weight including yoga/Pilates? Free or fixed weights at home or at the gym?
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