Inspired by a fab friend

Yoga instructor
Sandra Wijkman Donovan and I

I count myself fortunate to meet inspiring ladies and grateful some are wonderful friends. Many I admire from afar.

I mention in my Try Something New post, during and post menopause we may lack confidence. Trying new things can be real challenge, so all the more reason to have supa dupa gal pals, who are positive and supportive. I’m forever grateful!

My fab friend inspired me to try something again.That something was yoga. Needless to say trying anything for the second, third, forth or umpteenth time becomes a challenge in it’s self. My brain programmed with those past experiences. I pushed them aside and channelled my positive thinking.

St Anton am Arlberg has a yearly yoga and hiking festival. Hiking guides are local, yoga instructors from different parts of the globe.

My fabulous friend arrived for 4 days of yoga and hiking. She’s a honed, toned experienced yogi, I knew I was in good hands. I decided to skip hiking, I’m lucky enough to live in the area and hike often. However, after seeing photos of an amazing sunrise I’ll opt for the hiking as well next time. It’s a great way to meet and socialise.

The sun shone that September morning. Beautiful cloudless blue sky and the temperature was already heating up. We took the chair lift up the mountain to Gampen, 1,850m. Our class was outdoors with breath taking views. I couldn’t have asked for more. Could I? The practice commenced with a sort of humming, chanting. Maybe next time I’ll be brave enough to join in!

Benefits of yoga
  • Helps retain muscle mass
  • Great for strength, flexibility and balance
  • Good for relaxation, helps sleep
  • Can help pain relief eg. back ache
  • We all feel good after moving our bodies
  • Manage stress

As it turned out I could have asked for more. I would have preferred a stronger, faster, more intense practice. I understand this may prove challenging for others, especially coming to 1,850m. We don’t want to shock our bodies and put ourselves off. I so enjoyed exercising in the mountain air. In addition our instructor Sandra Wijkman Donovan was fantastic.

Would I do it again? A resounding yes.

Whether we like or dislike an activity depends on multiple factors. I’ve learned not to be too hasty and dismissive, to try again.

There are many styles of yoga Vinyasa, Vinyasa Flow, Hatha, Ashtanga Bikram, Yin to name a few. My trusted yogi pal suggested Astanga would be more suited to me, I wholeheartedly trust her and plan to give it a go.

Are you a yogi? Maybe consider a yoga festival

Have you tried something again and found you enjoyed?

3 responses to “Inspired by a fab friend”

  1. Jools avatar

    I honestly can’t imagine anything better than yoga in those beautiful surroundings. Doing yoga in our local community centre, meditating round a candle not quite the same, but still getting all the benefits.

  2. Gudi avatar

    ich heiße Gudi und bin gerade 73 Jahre alt geworden!
    Nie hatte ich irgendwelche Probleme wegen meiner Wechseljahre, da ich übergangslos von meiner Antibabypille zu Hormonen gegen Menopausen Beschwerden gegangen bin.
    Erst seit ca 10 Jahren nehme ich keine Hormontabletten mehr und mir geht es gut!
    Deshalb kann ich gar nichts zu irgendwelchen Problemen während dieser Zeit sagen, da es mir immer sehr gut ging! Viele meiner Freundinnen haben es ebenso gemacht wie ich.
    Nach Absetzen der Hormontabletten ist mein Haar etwas dünner geworden, die Haut faltiger, aber das bringt das Alter eben so mit sich!
    Ich gehe einmal in der Woche zum Yogakurs ( für Alte😉), mache täglich lange Spaziergänge mit meinem Hund und arbeite noch 15 bis 20 Stunden als Apothekerin in einer Apotheke.
    Ich habe mich nie mit Menopausenproblemen herumquälen müssen und würde alles wieder so machen!

    1. Sandra Scherfler avatar

      Vielen danke das du deine Erfahrung, deinen Umgang damit uns teilst.

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