Breast Cancer Awareness Month

pink, my mum’s favourite colour

I should have gone for my mammogram earlier this month quite apt as it’s breast cancer awareness month. I’ve rescheduled to December. I found a pea size lump in my right breast a few years ago. I remember calling my doctor’s surgery, speaking to the receptionist who replied there were no appointments available. When I explained I’d found a lump in my breast she called me in straight away. My doctor was so kind, she waited for me to arrive, it was after surgery hours. She examined me. Some how I was hoping I’d made a mistake. I hadn’t. My GP referred me straight away for further investigations at the hospital. I count myself extremely lucky it wasn’t cancerous and I didn’t need surgery. All this to say ladies, know and check your boobs regularly.

What we know is…
  • Breast cancer is quite rare under the age of 30
  • With age risk increases
  • According to the World Health Organization breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide .
  • If breast cancer is in your family your risk may increase

Each country, region, town is different, where I live mammograms start at age 40, check ups are every 2 years. I receive automatic notification to arrange an appointment with a choice of hospitals or clinics. My appointment includes not only the mammogram, also an ultrasound examination and consultation plus after a short wait I’m given my results.

After finding my lump, I’ve become more aware and vigilant. Like many of you I know ladies who have suffered from breast cancer and so pleased to say they are fine, in great health and fighting fit.

Yes, it’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but let’s be constantly aware.

When is your mammogram due? Do you check your breasts whilst in the shower?


3 responses to “Breast Cancer Awareness Month”

  1. Heidi Adair avatar
    Heidi Adair

    I love it! I’m good about getting mammograms, after finding what I thought was a lump back in ’02 or so. It turns out that I have cystic fibrous (I’m likely writing that incorrectly) breast tissue. That means that they are lumpy.

    I’m not great at doing my own exams. I do, when I remember. Plus, being adopted, I have no medical history. So mammograms are a must!

    Hope you’re well!

    1. Sandra Scherfler avatar

      Glad to hear you never miss your mammograms!Thanks, I’m good

  2. Joolz avatar

    I’ve just received a letter about having a mammogram. Been putting it back as having few other health issues. After reading the blogs now prompted me to call today get appointment.

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