I recently chatted to a lovely lady about vaginal dryness. Not a subject readily chatted about over a glass of wine or even coffee and the occasional Sacher Torte. I felt privileged, she spoke to me with such confidence. We really can learn from each other.
Vaginal dryness is extremely common. I’ve read of women unable to continue sports, such as cycling and horse riding, due to the discomfort.
Our vagina is not so different to the rest of our body. The tissue inside changes due to estrogen decline. Leading to dryness, itching, painful sex (we don’t want that), thrush, recurring urinary tract infections (UTIs). Symptoms may continue after menopause. The good news is there are treatment options such as topical creams, HRT, pessaries, vaginal rings, even laser treatments. Moisturisers and lubricants which have different functions. Usually moisturisers are not used every day, lubricants may help before sex. A word of caution, always use a lube specific for the vagina, not something from your pantry (Speisekammer). Maybe not the best time for experiments!
No need for suffering, embarrassment or bravery make an appointment with your gynaecologist or doctor. Fingers crossed you’ve found a good one.
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