To pee or not to pee

Friends on Ganatschalm

A topic rarely discussed, however we’ve all seen those ads for panty liners for the mature women. This doesn’t necessarily have to be the case.

If you’re frequenting the loo for a pee more than usual including getting up several times throughout the night. Maybe crossing your legs before sneezing just in-case you have a little leak or declining those tuck and star jumps during a Tabata session. You may even experience an intense urge but only pee the tiniest amount. You could be suffering from stress incontinence.

I’ve mentioned before, oestrogen receptor cells are all over our body, including the vagina and urinary tact. During perimenopause and menopause oestrogen levels decline, resulting in the thinning of the lining of our bladder, pelvic floor and the tube that takes urine out of the body. We know our pelvic floor supports the bladder, womb and rectum. Thinning often can make this area weaker. So ladies, pelvic floor exercises might be your new best friend. It’s a muscle which can be trained. With daily training it will become stronger. There’s no harm in incorporating pelvic floor exercises into your daily routine. In the car on your way to collect the kids, or work. At your desk, on the train. The options are endless. No need for your Gymsharks and trainers.

If bladder problems continue or you have concerns, make an appointment with your GP

Are you doing yours?

9 responses to “To pee or not to pee”

  1. Anita avatar

    “To pee or not to pee” seems so easy ever since being “potty trained”. If you don’t have an issue with it, you don’t tend to think about it really. By reading this post, I can only imagine the inconvenience. In the light of “prevention is better than cure”, I’d now like to ask what is the best pelvic floor excercise? Is it like using the “holding up your water” movement/ muscle? Any different excercises for prevention and for curing or is it all about strenthening the pelvic floor in general? Really good to discuss this problem and above all: the possible solutions! Both to prevent and to improve/ overcome it yourself. I like this kind of empowerment. I look forward to your next posts!

  2. Joolz avatar

    I have experienced lot of these symptoms, always have and will continue pelvic exercises. Was thinking it just keeps getting better ladies 😆

  3. Melissa Tyers avatar
    Melissa Tyers

    After having 3 children I’m not surprised that sometimes I just manage to get to the bathroom in time!!!
    Phew I have spare knickers, liners and even carry VIP spray in my hand bag my boyfriend bless him can’t believe I do this. And when I’m dancing and I start to laugh I’m so pleased I’m wearing a Tena liner!

    Yes girlies it’s hard to admit at times our nether regions need a little support like pelvic floor exercises, but also some exercises can put pressure on that area too making it worse so just be aware! I suppose no one knew about that one not even me until I researched it, Oestrogen has a lot to answer for yes we can take vaginal oestrogen pessaries hoping it will give us the support we once had but it caused me oestrogen endometriosis so I had to stop. So continue to do pelvic floor exercises and their are even specialist in this department too.

    But let’s not forget it’s a natural part of ageing and there’s so much S..T out there to look like a spring chicken
    All I can say I’m in my sixties and each decade is better than the last, come on ladies we can do it x

    1. Sandra Scherfler avatar

      We can absolutely do it any which way we like xxxxx

  4. Jayne avatar

    There’s a lot we can do re diet and exercise too.

    Fluid intake can have an affect and the kinds of fluids consumed. Caffeine can irritate the bladder, Alcohol, excess sugary drinks can all affect continence.

    Weight gain can also affect pelvic muscle tone.

    Also, retraining our bladders, especially at night. Trying to hold it a little longer each time.
    Having children definitely weakens the pelvic muscles and that ‘jumping session’ on the trampoline suddenly becomes shorter and involves a dash or two to the loo!!!
    Gentle exercises e.g. swimming, cycling, yoga, all help pelvic tone/stress incontinence.

    Pelvic floor dysfunction is often curable or at least manageable.

    As said before in your post Sandra, HRT pessaries can make a difference to the state of the pelvic regions!

    Any bleeding post menopause or spotting once bleeding has completely finished should be reported to your GP and investigated. Usually by an internal scan or ultrasound with bladder scan. Often a simply explanation like a cyst but well worth checking.

    One thing I didn’t know when I had one of these scans was that the bladder often retains pockets of urine with the menopausal bladder and they advised me to pee and then wait a few seconds then release the rest before they scanned me! I thought it was just me but turns out to be normal for this stage of life. Who knew!! We don’t talk about these things openly so not common knowledge.

    Thank you for raising these subjects Sandra. Very useful.

    1. Sandra Scherfler avatar

      A mind of information. Thanks for sharing Jayne, really appreciated

  5. Maggie-Clur avatar

    Just reading this post instantly had me doing those ‘kegel’ exercises!! (Thats what its called, right? As if you’re holding in a pee?) And so much interesting information in the comments too!! Does anyone else feel like their eyebrows go up doing kegels?? Or is that just me?!!! 😂😂😂

    1. Sandra Scherfler avatar

      Yes, yes, yes and no it’s not just you!!

  6. Claudia avatar

    A significant amount of women do suffer with urinary incontience or prolapse after having children, also some women that are overweight .,However, by strengthening your pelvic floor muscles can help urinary incontience, treat pelvic organ prolapse, and make sex better too. Everyone that does pelvic floor exercises can benefit,

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