A topic rarely discussed, however we’ve all seen those ads for panty liners for the mature women. This doesn’t necessarily have to be the case.
If you’re frequenting the loo for a pee more than usual including getting up several times throughout the night. Maybe crossing your legs before sneezing just in-case you have a little leak or declining those tuck and star jumps during a Tabata session. You may even experience an intense urge but only pee the tiniest amount. You could be suffering from stress incontinence.
I’ve mentioned before, oestrogen receptor cells are all over our body, including the vagina and urinary tact. During perimenopause and menopause oestrogen levels decline, resulting in the thinning of the lining of our bladder, pelvic floor and the tube that takes urine out of the body. We know our pelvic floor supports the bladder, womb and rectum. Thinning often can make this area weaker. So ladies, pelvic floor exercises might be your new best friend. It’s a muscle which can be trained. With daily training it will become stronger. There’s no harm in incorporating pelvic floor exercises into your daily routine. In the car on your way to collect the kids, or work. At your desk, on the train. The options are endless. No need for your Gymsharks and trainers.
If bladder problems continue or you have concerns, make an appointment with your GP
Are you doing yours?
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