Nearest and dearest hormones and perimenopause


Of course as with everything there are always exceptions. Those wonderful ladies who gallop through perimenopause and menopause with no symptoms and feel like they’re 25. Who rock up at parties glowing with little sleep. If you’re one of those fabulous ladies, I admire your glow from near and afar.


Important hormones during this phase. There are more.

Oestrogen is frequently discussed, the key to our reproductive system working and developing properly. It’s really important for healthy bones, cognition, cardiovascular health and memory. We actually have oestrogen receptors in cells right through our body. The reason declining oestrogen effects numerous areas in our bodies.

Progesterone, the main function to control the build up of our uterine lining

Testosterone we all know it is an important sex hormone. Enhancing sex drive. It can help to maintain muscle and bone strength. Research has found it helps memory and concentration.

At different times of our lives our hormones fluctuate. Especially during puberty, prior to our period, pregnancy and post pregnancy. Most of us have experienced the effects sometimes physically, mentally or emotionally.


Perimenopause is the transition time directly before your menopause, when hormone levels start to decline. Your periods could still be regular or they may have changed. I didn’t notice any change until my late 40’s. Usually perimenopause starts early to mid 40’s. However this is a unique experience, with some women it will be earlier or later depending on different factors, genes, treatments or surgery.

I’ve mentioned in my Perimenopause post I didn’t pay attention to this phase. I was never one to track my periods, but recall them becoming irregular. Some ladies suffer severe discomfort for the first time. My periods became heavier which was unlike me.

Our ovaries might not release an egg each month. You may or may not ovulate, this usually means your oestrogen levels are changing. If you are still having periods now and then you are still most likely in perimenopause. This phase can last a few years.


Tracking your periods, noting any changes can be a good idea. Your colleagues, partner or friends may have noticed differences in you. You may suffer from PMS, where as you hadn’t before. Tracking can prove useful when speaking with your healthcare specialist or GP. Helps them to see patterns, reoccurring symptoms enabling them to offer the best treatment for your needs.

I mentioned earlier oestrogen receptors are throughout our bodies. For this reason declining oestrogen can cause a multitude of symptoms. We’re familiar with hot flushes and sleeping issues however there are many more.

Smell and taste

Smell and taste changes. By the way women often experience heightened smell during pregnancy. I recall my sister did.


Bloating, constipation. Our digestive system can be sensitive to changing levels of oestrogen and progesterone

Brain fog

Brain fog and lack of concentration. I experienced both while studying, extremely frustrating. Moments of forgetfulness. Thankfully no longer. Oestrogen and testosterone are key for our brain.

Breast changes

Breast changes and tenderness. Our breasts may become less full looking. Change shape. We know the drill always check for changes. Have regular mammograms.


Nails breaking and splitting. Oestrogen plays a part in producing keratin so when levels decline this may happen. Similar with hair also made of the protein keratin. Hair post.

Dry eyes

Dry eyes, I’ve experienced along with a feeling of grit in my eyes. I use drops when needed from the local pharmacy. The pharmacist advised I blink repeatedly when I feel my eyes becoming dry. Blinking lubricates the eyes. Oestrogen plays a part in this lubrication and tear film production. Also where we live the air is extremely dry due to altitude and the sun intense. I wear sunglasses for protection.

to be continued….

Are you experiencing any symptoms? Or flying through peri and meno with the greatest of ease?

6 responses to “Nearest and dearest hormones and perimenopause”

  1. Michaela avatar

    Bin Jetzt Mitte 50 und bis dato hatte ich nur minimale Anzeichen einer Perimenopause und das erst wirklich die letzten 2-3 Jahre, Mal stärker, mal weniger. Freue mich aber immer sehr deine Beiträge zu lesen liebe Sandra! ❤️
    Kann mir so viel mitnehmen und finde vieles davon sehr wertvoll und inspirierend! Danke dafür! 🙋🤗

    1. Sandra Scherfler avatar

      Caring is sharing! Schön, dass die Informationen hilfreich sind

  2. Lisa Sarjeant avatar
    Lisa Sarjeant

    I had a surgically induced menopause due to a radical hysterectomy. I was not menopausal beforehand and as a result I received all the symptoms of menopause at once. I can’t take oestrogen as it is a risk for me so I have had to plough on with numerous life changing symptoms … lots of research has helped to understand these and plough on … plus a lot of laughter with friends about our symptoms

    1. Sandra Scherfler avatar

      Thanks so much for sharing young lady xxxxxx

  3. Sharon C Leicestershire avatar
    Sharon C Leicestershire

    You may think this strange! I am a woman in her early seventies and can honestly say l didn’t know l had gone through the Menopause, apart from the change in my periods!
    Was it because l had too much going on in my life and l didn’t have time for me?
    The only problem l faced, and never associated it with the Menopause, was the loss of my hair! Easily rectified with a good wig!

  4. Claudia avatar

    I have not had any experience as yet ,but I have encountered few women who experience depression that is common during perimenopause.
    Most studies agree that the risk of depression increases during the menopause transition. Symptoms of depression include crying a lot, feeling hopeless or worthless, feeling numb, and losing interest in your normal activities. It is interesting to keep a diary of how your mood is daily and to seek medical assistant if not coping.

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