My blog is inspired by my wonderful mum. I know now and understand she suffered with a multitude of menopausal symptoms however back then she was diagnosed with depression. I discovered not too long ago she was prescribed anti depressants, no different to many other women at this time, it’s sad to say this still happens. I recall her hair falling out. She had such a thing about her hair, I suppose we all do. She loved looking glam, hair was part of it. Her weight gain bothered her enormously plus her liking for sugar increased. Sleepless nights were a thing too which to be honest became the norm. I used to think mum never gets tired, but she would nod off during the day. Her forgetfulness, brain fog impacted her driving, in the end she stopped. I remember her hot flushes, if I was around she’d always ask me to fetch her water. For me it was an inconvenience, I often think how unsympathetic I was. I must mention her tinnitus plus a tightening feeling in her head. She’d even shake her head quite violently at times. No surprise her confidence waned. All enormously sad. Every reason to speak with our daughters or young females in our lives.
Thankfully we know so much more and have access to helpful practitioners, specialist clinics.
With knowledge we can help ourselves to be strong, fit, healthy and continue to enjoy a full life.
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