It started with a kiss…
At it like rabbits? No one else’s business really. However a good sex life is a healthy one. It’s said to relive stress and helps sleep.
Maybe your sex life has changed. Menopause can cause low libido. A subject difficult to keep from your partner especially if it’s painful. All needs to be talked about, otherwise it could lead to frustration and more problems or actually it could be an opportunity to improve your relationship.
Low libido is caused by a multitude of reasons, not all necessarily hormonal. However it could steam from hormones leading to tiredness, fluctuation in mood, declining testosterone, anxiety, work, caring for loved ones, painful sex (posted on this topic 11th January) illness or darn right exhaustion. Maybe you no longer find your partner attractive.
I suppose one of the greatest challenges is feeling fabulous in our bodies. This alone makes us ‘up for it’ and fills us with confidence. Much is about how we feel.
Of course as with everything there are always exceptions. Those wonderful ladies who gallop through menopause with the libido of a 25 year old, who rock up at parties glowing with little sleep. If you’re one of those fabulous ladies, I admire your glow from near and afar.
Just a thought. Oysters may well be my starter of choice!
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