Feeling more emotional or anxious are common leading up to and during menopause along with moods swings. Fluctuation in hormones have a huge impact which could effect our day to day lives. We mustn’t dismiss triggers, caring for young children, and or loved ones, young adults flying the nest and and. Many changes and challenges.
Finding we worry over the smallest things which were never an issue in the past. The confidence felt in our twenties and thirties may have waned, this is all part of ageing and should feel natural but I have to say some symptoms are a darn annoyance. For a short time I experienced sleep deprivation when I was studying. This became stressful due to pending exams. Not a great combination. I need my eight hours a night. Thankfully all is well now!
I had a conversation with a lady, senior within her business. She began to dread presentations due to searing hot flushes. Probably the majority of her audience wasn’t aware however you can imagine the anxiety and stress leading up to them. Symptoms can impact our professional lives too.
Research shows ladies who’ve suffered PMS and postnatal depression are often more susceptible to low mood during this time.
Progesterone known as the calming hormone may decrease even more during this time. This imbalance and decrease can cause the release of our stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol which of cause makes us feel irritable, anxious and low.
Looking back I recall both my aunties went through surgical menopause due to hysterectomy. After, both suffered terrible hormonal imbalance which impacted their lives negatively. My mama (my mum’s mother) suffered too. Fortunately consistent low mood hasn’t effected me, however I’m learning more about the women in my family and realise it was quite prevalent . You can understand my heightened awareness and sensitivity around the subject. I’ve mentioned my mum in my inspiration post. Unfortunately all of them were given antidepressants by their GP. Some of what they experienced was awful. Thankfully we know more these days, plus we can share our knowledge, ideas and experience, good, not so good and indifferent.
Sometimes ladies speak of overwhelm or as though losing control. This is usually seldom the case and only a feeling. Sometimes structure may help, in terms of eating regularly, going to bed at regular times to help your body clock rhythm.
Trying to stay active helps our overall wellness. Yoga, brisk walking
Taking time for yourself. Whatever that maybe. A spa day
Reducing sugar
Reducing coffee and alcohol
Asking for support from loved ones and friends
Consult your GP or medical professional.
A friend had CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) which proved really helpful. Hormone Replacement Therapy could be an option.
A holistic approach
Our experiences are as unique as we are so it’s about finding what works best.
Of course as with everything there are always exceptions. You wonderful ladies who fly through with the greatest of ease and no symptoms. Who can still rock up to parties glowing with little sleep. If you’re one of those fabulous ladies, I admire your glow from near and afar.
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